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Taken at 17 Days


Taken at 17 Days


COSTCO: Stop taking babies from their mothers! 

Repeat investigations by DxE have found horrifying conditions at Costco farms. Ask the CEO of Costco to end the exploitation of animals like Madison.

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“There are dead babies everywhere.” 

A DxE open rescue team entered a massive North American breeding farm and found dozens of dead and rotting piglets. Mothers were forced to live endless, nightmarish existences in crates as small as their own bodies. Their babies were taken at just 17 days, months before weaning, so their mothers could be forced to give birth again. But Madison was saved

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Madison's Story

Madison's Story

A Nightmarish Pregnancy 

Madison’s mother was forcibly impregnated, then shoved into a gestation crate where she would not be able to turn around for four months. 

The Grim Nursery

Madison lived with 10 siblings in a tiny farrowing crate for 17 days. Then, she was taken into a filthy pen where she would be forced to fight for food, water, and space. 

An Untimely Death?

At six months, Madison would be shoved into a transportation truck jammed shoulder to shoulder with juvenile pigs. But Madison was the one in a million who would be saved. 

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Madison Today

Madison Today

From bubble baths to holiday feasts, animals on farms love many of the same things we love. In every way that matters, they are just like us. 

Madison samples some of this season's finest running gear.

They have feelings

Like all animals, Madison was a piglet with feelings and a unique personality. She loves to play, bounce up and down, twist, and run.

They have families

Madison and other animals exploited in farms are highly social animals, yet their desires for friendship are ignored. Now, Madison can have adventures with her best friend (Ooby the sheep), including breaking into the food shed to steal horse treats!

They love freedom

At six months, Madison would be shoved into a transportation truck jammed shoulder to shoulder with juvenile pigs. She never had a moment of freedom in her life. But today, Madison grunts happily as she moves about as she wishes at a sanctuary. 

Madison bonds with Jenny McQueen - her DxE open rescuer and first human friend.

Madison eats out of the hand of a caretaker, a person she has slowly grown to trust.

Fruits are some of Madison's favourite treats.

Every family has a weird nosy uncle. At Madison's newly adopted family - it's Buster the dog.

Madison bonding with activist Alex Bez.

Madison bonding with activist Alex Bez.

Playing "Peekaboo" with a little help from Madison's ears.

Taking a post-meal afternoon nap.

Taking a post-meal afternoon nap.


Take Action

Take Action

Thanks to Open Rescue activists and emergency veterinary care, Madison is on her road to a full recovery. But there are countless more piglets like Madison who need help. Take action now!

Get Involved

Sign up to hear about local protests and community-building. 


Turn the tables against violence with the Liberation Pledge.


Veterinary care, equipment, and campaigns are expensive. We can only save animals like Madison with your help!