
International Open Rescue Day


International Open Rescue Day

An international coalition for open rescue

Activists from four countries across three different continents took part in the world's first coordinated open rescue, released on March 5th to mark the inaugural International Open Rescue Day. This date was chosen as it represents the date of the original open rescue conducted by Animal Liberation Victoria in Australia. 

This initiative was organized by the newly formed coalition Open Rescue International. Open Rescue International seeks to share skills and knowledge amongst open rescue activists and increase public awareness of open rescue.


Chloe and Maya's Story

Chloe and Maya's Story

Chloe and Maya were starving and defeathered when DxE investigators arrived on the scene. They were living in confinement in a cage-free egg farm with thousands of other birds. Every day, they had to fight for food, for water, and for safety. They had never been outside or breathed fresh air. But DxE rescued Chloe and Maya and took them to a safe place. For the first time in their life, they received love and care. 

Along with Chloe and Maya, dozens of other animals were rescued on this International Open Rescue Day. Together, we showed the world that all animals, regardless of their species or where they live, deserve to be happy, safe and free. 

DxE Activist Connie Pearson holds Chloe shortly after her rescue

DxE Activist Connie Pearson holds Chloe shortly after her rescue

An activist from in Germany holds a rescued rabbit

An activist from in Germany holds a rescued rabbit

Activists from Tomma burar in Sweden hold rescued hens 

Activists from Tomma burar in Sweden hold rescued hens 

Activists from Animal Liberation Victoria in Australia hold rescued chicks 

Activists from Animal Liberation Victoria in Australia hold rescued chicks 

An activist from in Germany holds a rescued rabbit

An activist from in Germany holds a rescued rabbit

DxE activist Connie Pearson holds Maya at her new home

DxE activist Connie Pearson holds Maya at her new home

DxE activist Cassie King holds Chloe at her new sanctuary home

DxE activist Cassie King holds Chloe at her new sanctuary home

An activist from Animal Liberation Victoria in Australia rescues a young chick

Maya at her new sanctuary home

Maya at her new sanctuary home

Chloe and Maya explore outside for the first time 

Chloe and Maya explore outside for the first time 

DxE activist Jake Hobbs holds Chloe inside the farm

DxE activist Jake Hobbs holds Chloe inside the farm


Take Action

Take Action

Chloe and Maya were rescued and now live peacefully in a sanctuary. But there are countless more just like them who need our help. Take action now!

Get Involved

Sign up to hear about local protests and community-building. 


Turn the tables against violence with the Liberation Pledge.


Veterinary care, equipment, and campaigns are expensive. We can only save animals like Chloe and Maya with your help!

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