Ask the UN to include animal rights in its Universal Periodic Review!
Noel was born on a cold winter night inside an Ontario pig farm. Like all the other piglets, his first experience of the world was a hard, grey farrowing crate where he was separated from his mother by metal bars.
Mothers pigs are confined so tightly they cannot turn around and are forced to lay in their own waste.
Due to repeated forced breeding, many female pigs develop horrific prolapses which cause extreme pain and suffering.
Baby piglets die agonizing deaths from infection, malnutrition and crowding. Many are discarded like garbage.
When Noel was born, the date of his execution had already been planned. He was destined to spend six months confined in the filthy, crowded barn before being loaded onto a truck and sent to slaughter. But instead, something amazing happened.
Activists with DxE Toronto entered the barn where Noel was held. They took him and promised him a better life.
Photos by Julie O'Neill
They brought Noel through the cold and drove him to a warm sanctuary, where he received veterinary care.
He learned to play and explore, he made new friends, and he slept in warmth and comfort for the first time in his life.
From Noel's Rescuer:
“Noel needed round the clock care, so every 3 to 4 hours I was tending to him, making sure he ate and was comfortable. His bed was right next to the furnace, he absolutely loved the heat.
For the first 2 days it was stressful for us both, he was weak, and needed help eating. On day 3 there was a breakthrough - he looked up and looked right at me! In that moment, I saw Noel, a "someone", an animal with a personality, who finally felt safe and knew me as his caregiver.
Animals like Noel have no rights, they're deemed the property of animal agriculture, expendable, and killed if not thriving. We saved Noel from that fate, and when our eyes connected it was even more clear to me - I must keep on doing all I can to make a difference, to let the public know that there are animals just like Noel, suffering in these hellish places. They are living, feeling, sentient beings who really don't want to die.”
- Noel’s caregiver and rescuer, Jenny McQueen
With your support, DxE has rescued dozens of animals like Noel from horrendous abuse.
Through the end of 2017, all donations will be matched (up to $400,000 total) by a generous grant.
Any monthly donation makes you a subscribing member of DxE -- a grassroots network for nonviolent direct action for animals. You’ll receive an annual update on DxE’s progress building a movement for animals.
A donation of $45 a month (the estimated cost to support one rescued animal) makes you a member of the DxE Open Rescue Network, which rescues animals from the most hellish places on earth. You’ll receive quarterly updates and special opportunities to meet rescued animals.
If you are already a monthly donor and you want to change or cancel your monthly donation, please email
You can donate using the buttons above or by sending a check, payable to FRIENDS OF DXE, to the following address:
Friends of DxE
PMB 328
2425 Channing Way, Ste. B
Berkeley, CA 94704
Please notify if a check is in the mail so that we can look out for it! Note that if you would like to request your donations be used for a specific chapter/project, please email
Friends of DxE, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation that provides grants for DxE's campaigns. The board and leadership of Friends of DxE is independent of each of the grassroots chapters that comprise DxE's worldwide network.