Animal abusing industries thrive in secrecy, and our greatest weapon against them is the truth. That’s why we go inside of farms and slaughterhouses with video cameras to document the reality inside. We’re giving the public a window into Big Ag’s biggest secrets. From exposing criminal animal cruelty to fur industry corruption, DxE is showing the public what animal abusers don’t want you to know. And it’s working. We’re on the brink of passing the first state-wide fur ban in the nation. We have more whistleblowers reaching out to us than ever before. Around the world from Mexico to Norway, Germany to Australia, activists are locking down in places of violence and rescuing animals from abuse. The industry’s pillars of support are toppling while public support for animal rights is on the rise.
We need your help to capitalize on this momentum and show animal abusing industries that we’re not backing down until our system is fundamentally transformed. They can close the doors and hide what they are doing but they cannot change a truth whose time has come – that animal abuse is on its way out. And with your support, we can make it happen in our lifetime.
How you can help:
Become a DxE member today and join our exclusive monthly calls to hear news first and help shape the direction of our campaigns against Big Ag.
Friends of DxE (EIN 46-4318107), a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation that provides grants for DxE's campaigns. The board and leadership of Friends of DxE is independent of each of the grassroots chapters that comprise DxE's worldwide network.