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Saved From Becoming a Fur Coat


Saved From Becoming a Fur Coat


DxE investigators found Mabel shaking inside a tiny metal cage on a fur farm, and they took her out and carried her to safety. Instead of being skinned for her fur, Mabel found a family to protect her. Today, she can run, jump, and play in the grass. This is the freedom that every animal deserves. DxE is working to ban fur in California and establish the right to rescue every animal from abuse. You can help us make this vision a reality for every animal like Mabel.

Thank you for signing up to support the CA fur ban!

Please sign up to express your support for AB 44, the California fur ban, and help save millions of animals from being killed for fur!

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With your support, DxE can care for more rescued animals and reach millions of people with powerful stories like Mabel's. Together, we will make fur history and spark a revolution for animal rights.