The dairy industry is violent, unsustainable and completely unnecessary. It systematically separates newborn babies from grieving mothers. Calves are then isolated in tiny hutches, exposed to extreme weather. Male calves are often killed at days or weeks old -- either sold into the veal industry and simply discarded. Females calves are entered into the same cycle of familiar separation and exploitation, before being killed when their production drops, generally around three or four years of age.
The dairy industry jeopardizes public health by increasing the risk of pandemic disease like COVID-19, due to its filthy, pathogen-laden conditions, as well as the use of antibiotic drugs. The industry is also a major contributor to climate change.
Yet far from being taxed or regulated for its extensive destructive impacts, the U.S. dairy industry is the beneficiary of tens of billions of dollars in government subsidies annually. And when private citizens or whistleblowers report misconduct by agricultural enterprises, they are almost universally ignored -- except when the whistleblowers themselves are prosecuted.
During these times of social distancing, shelter-in-place orders, quarantines and a rapidly spreading virus, we must take action, but our actions must be based on efficacy and avoid putting the general public and healthcare workers at more risk than they already are. This means that instead of disrupting public places and events, we’ll need to find OTHER ways to disrupt systems unless we can clearly demonstrate that any action poses no significant risk compared to any likelihood of a positive impact -- and we want your help!
The #LetDairyDie campaign has shifted its emphasis to align with the emergent #CancelAnimalAg online activism.
Hosting online trainings, developing mutual aid resources, online activism, research, writing and more are all good starts, but with these times of uncertainty come promising new opportunities to make an impact if we embrace bold, creative solutions! Please check out the resources below and bring your ideas to the table!