A DxE investigation of a supposedly "humane," family-run goat farm found diseased and dying animals. For these reasons, we are asking the USDA to prohibit the use of the term “humane” and force farms and retailers to tell the truth about how animals raised for food are treated.
Lenny was being raised for meat on a "humane," family-farm. But Lenny's supposed "family" never gave him the care he needed, which is why DxE activists found him collapsed in a pile of his own filth.
The open shed in which the goats lived left them exposed to the cold and to predators.
The baby goats living on this farm had already lost their parents when the older goats were sent to slaughter.
Even at this family-farm, sick animals were left to languish without medical care.
Lenny saw his family members disappear one by one as they grew big enough to be sent to slaughter. But he never had to face that day himself.
In the car, Lenny was lethargic and when he tried to stand, his weak legs buckled beneath him.
DxE activists rushed Lenny to veterinary care, where he was diagnosed with coccidia, a parasite that was eating his insides.
With the proper care and medical treatment, Lenny recovered at his new home: an animal sanctuary.
Today, Lenny and his friends run around and play together freely.
Goats like Lenny have the same inquisitve nature as the dogs in our homes. Today Lenny goes for long walks with his family, sniffing, chewing, and exploring the world around him.
Lenny loves to be pet and showered with affection by his family, and he makes his own affection known by jumping up and following his family.
Goats in the wild spend their days grazing and climbing mountains, a natural behavior denied to goats raised on farms.
With your support, DxE has rescued dozens of animals like Lenny from horrendous abuse.
Any monthly donation makes you a subscribing member of DxE -- a grassroots network for nonviolent direct action for animals. You’ll receive an annual update on DxE’s progress building a movement for animals.
A donation of $45 a month (the estimated cost to support one rescued animal) makes you a member of the DxE Open Rescue Network, which rescues animals from the most hellish places on earth. You’ll receive quarterly updates and special opportunities to meet rescued animals.
If you are already a monthly donor and you want to change or cancel your monthly donation, please email donate@friendsofdxe.com.
You can donate using the buttons above or by sending a check, payable to FRIENDS OF DXE, to the following address:
Friends of DxE
PMB 328
2425 Channing Way, Ste. B
Berkeley, CA 94704
Please notify donate@friendsofdxe.com if a check is in the mail so that we can look out for it! Note that if you would like to request your donations be used for a specific chapter/project, please email almira@directactioneverywhere.com.
Friends of DxE, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation that provides grants for DxE's campaigns. The board and leadership of Friends of DxE is independent of each of the grassroots chapters that comprise DxE's worldwide network.