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Legal Support

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support the right to rescue


Sign your name onto this open letter to support the whistleblowers facing prison time for exposing factory farm abuses and rescuing suffering animals:

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We, the undersigned, write to demand immediate action to rectify the abuses of the factory farming industry across the nation, and protect whistleblowers who expose this misconduct. Modern animal agriculture, which historian Yuval Noah Harari has called “one of the worst crimes in history,” poses an existential threat to our environment, to public health, and to animals who are no different than the dogs and cats in our own home. Yet instead of working to protect our communities, our corporate and political leaders too often actively conspire with powerful agribusiness concerns to compromise the interests of the public and animals. It’s time for that to change.

The toll of factory farming is beyond doubt. Industrial animal farms are one of the largest causes of climate change and habitat loss. They contribute to serious public health risks, including antibiotic resistance that sickens and kills young children. And they inflict grotesque cruelty on billions of sentient beings. Polling data shows that the majority of Americans believe that animals need legal protection from cruelty, and 49% believe factory farms should be outright banned. These numbers increase every year, which is why leading political commentators and philosophers have described animal rights as the next frontier of social justice.

Yet far from supporting progress, our political and corporate leaders have too often blocked it. Nationwide, the industry receives billions of dollars in subsidies -- including corporate welfare for millionaires. Government-established price controls gouge consumers, especially those who are in most need, and deceptive corporate marketing manipulates us into taking actions against our own values. Laws have been passed to prohibit competition in the market by plant-based alternatives. And perhaps most frighteningly, our most basic civil liberties have been undermined -- and over 100 nonviolent activists and whistleblowers have been arrested and threatened with prison -- for exposing the industry’s misconduct.

The devastating toll of this industry -- on the planet, on our citizens, and on animals -- demands action. We are calling for an immediate end to both the unconstitutional “ag gag” laws and the draconian prosecutions of nonviolent activists. We need transparency in the food system, including a “right to know” how and where animal products are produced. And we demand legal recognition that animals are living creatures with feelings, and not mere things for corporations to abuse, including the legal right of all animals to be rescued from situations of distress.

Compassion is no longer a choice. It is a moral and political imperative. We ask you to join us in taking a stand against perhaps the most violent industry on earth, and in defense of the citizens and animals who are victims of its misconduct.

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Diestel Turkey Ranch (California)


Smithfield (Utah)


Norbest Turkey (Utah)


Sospiro Ranch (North Carolina)


Smithfield (North Carolina)


Sunrise Farms, Petaluma Poultry, Reichardt Duck Farm (Sonoma County, California)




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