The California Fur Ban
The California fur ban just passed through the Assembly! This is a first-of-its kind victory that shows the power of the grassroots movement for animal rights. Now, the fur ban must pass through the Senate to officially become law. Here’s what you can do today to #MakeFurHistory
Ask the California Democratic Party to Support the Fur Ban
Show your support for the California fur ban with an email to the California Democratic Party. Email and ask them to support AB 44, the California fur ban. Here is a template email you can send.
Become a Member
DxE is exposing the cruelty of fur through investigations and rescues, on-the-ground mobilizations, and social media campaigns that reach millions. Our grassroots activists spearheaded the fur bans in Berkeley and San Francisco, and now we need your help to sustain this change! Through June 4, all new monthly donors are earning DxE a bonus $100. Become a member today and help us create a fur-free California. Even $1 a month earns the bonus, and every bit counts!