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Crushed at Safeway


Crushed at Safeway


Safeway: Stop crushing animals to death!

A DxE investigation found hundreds of birds, including Scarlett, being crushed to death in a “cage-free” Safeway farm. Ask CEO Robert Miller to stop the abuse of animals!

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Piles of Death

The DxE Open Rescue team entered Rainbow Farms, a major supplier to Safeway, and found piles of birds who had been crushed to death. Records from the farm show that as many as 125 birds were dying from “piling” in a single day, and the industry’s statistics show this is a general trend: cage-free kills 2-6 times as many birds prematurely. And yet Safeway has aggressively marketed its cage-free eggs as “certified humane.”

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Scarlett's Nightmare

Scarlett's Nightmare


Scarlett was crammed into a “cage-free” shed where she was given little more than one square foot of space. Extreme confinement is standard practice in cage-free farms. 


With tens of thousands crowding her, Scarlett lost her feathers and nearly went blind from being pecked and trampled on. Studies show that rates of defeathering and physical trauma are often much worse in cage-free farms. 


Dazed and starving, Scarlett was on the brink of being crushed to death, like millions of other birds in cage-free sheds (where mortality rates are up to 6 times higher). Then DxE’s Open Rescue team arrived. 

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Scarlett's Rescue

Scarlett's Rescue

In a daring nighttime rescue, DxE activists scooped Scarlett up from the crush of bodies that covered her and rushed her to receive veterinary care. Now she has the life that all animals deserve. 


At a sanctuary, Scarlett was able to move around without a crush of bodies swarming her for the first time in nearly two years.


In industrial farms, birds are denied companionship because of density and crowding. But now Scarlett spends most of her time pecking and grazing with her best friend Mary. 


Scarlett was brutalized simply because a company hoped to profit from her eggs. Now she is treated with the same kindness we give to a puppy, a kitten, or even a human child.


Take Action

Take Action

Scarlett was saved, and is now recovering in a sanctuary with others like her. Unfortunately, there are countless more just like her who need our help. Take action now!

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Veterinary care, equipment, and campaigns are expensive. We can only save animals like Scarlett with your help!

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