




Ask Costco to stop torturing baby pigs!

Baby pigs waste away in piles of feces, blood, and dead bodies at Circle Four Farms. Ask the Costco CEO to cut ties with animal-abusing farms! 

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Lily's Story

Lily's Story

As the bodies of other piglets piled up around her, Lily faced a terrifying reality: the only way for her to survive was to feast on her own mother’s blood. 


Mother pigs are confined so tightly that they cannot turn around, despite Costco's promise to end the use of tortuous crates. 


Every maternal instinct is denied, as babies are born into crowded, filthy farrowing crates where up to ⅓ will die. Mothers who hear their babies scream can do nothing to help their children. 


At just 6 months, the piglets are stuffed into trucks and sent to slaughter. Without food or water, many die of thirst in the summer heat.



Face The Truth

Face The Truth

Animals are sentient

Pigs are just like our dogs and cats in their ability to feel. They enjoy treats, sunshine and belly-rubs.

Animals are not products

Corporations deceive us into believing that animals are treated well. The truth is that both consumers and animals are unprotected by the system. 

Animals deserve rights

Protecting animals from violence requires a dramatic transformation in our legal and political system, including enshrining animal rights as a constitutional reality. 

As with any other pig farm - diseased and dead piglets are simply considered unavoidable costs on a balance sheet.

With wounds still fresh from the harsh conditions and constant fighting, a mother pig lays resigned in the dirt.

Pigs, said to be smarter than dogs by scientists, commonly chew the bars of their cages in sheer frustration and boredom. Many are literally bored out of their minds.

DxE Activists Jon Frohnmayer and  Paul Darwin Picklesimer document the inside of a pig-rearing facility.

Wayne Hsiung, co-founder of DxE, brings carries a diseased piglet to safety.

Andrew Sharo, a biophysics PhD candidate at UC Berkeley, documents a pig in a gestation crate.

In animal agriculture, mother pigs are considered production units in a factory. They are made to 'produce' as many piglets as possible, and the constant cycle nursing often causes injured and bloody nipples.

Gestation crates mean that piglets like this one are often separated and can't be cared for by their mother.

Samer Masterson, an engineer at Dropbox, cares for Lily. Lily is now in a clean and safe sanctuary with caretakers like Samer and ready access to veterinary care - something none of her brothers and sisters got.


Help Us Save Them All

Help Us Save Them All

Lily was one of the lucky ones, and now lives in safety at a sanctuary. Unfortunately, thousands just like her still suffer. Take action now!

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Veterinary care, equipment, and campaigns are expensive. We can only save animals like Lily with your help!

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